Manual block machine product_35

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A block machine is used to make cement blocks. These devices have different types. Simple manual block machine, semi-automatic machine and fully automatic machine are three common types of block machine. Although many people today prefer to use automatic machines for block production, manual block machines are still very popular. Usually, the automatic type of this device is used in cases where there is a need to produce a mass of blocks and it is used in industrial scales. Small workshops in which the block production volume is not high use manual block machines.

Depending on the size of the block machine, the production speed can be different. In an eight-hour shift, between 200 and 800 blocks can be produced by a manual block machine. This device has specifications and features that we will get to know in the rest of this article.

What is a simple manual block machine?
Manual block machines have also improved over time, and the devices that exist in the market today with this name have the necessary quality, provided that they are made from a reliable brand. Ceiling and wall blocks can be prepared using a manual block machine. Each block machine consists of three parts: body, mold and sanding. Another name for manual block makers is egg laying machine because the method of production in them is similar to the laying of eggs by birds.

The molds that are embedded in this device usually have the following four sizes:

Block mold 10*20*40
Block mold 15*20*50
Block mold 20*20*40
Block mold 7*20*40
The sizes of these templates can be changed according to the wishes of the customers. The method of producing blocks with a manual block machine is that after producing a line of cement blocks, the machine moves forward and after that the molds are emptied for the next blocks. There is no need for electric energy and electric cables to make blocks, but the blocks are compacted using mechanical force and levers. To use this machine, there are things that must be done by the operator so that the life and durability of the machine is longer and the produced blocks are of high quality. For example, before making blocks, the molds should be greased with burnt oil and the device should be kept in a place away from moisture. Pressing the lever without the molds being full will damage the machine.

Specifications of the manual block machine
Manual blockers need mechanical power to create blocks, this power is supplied by operators. There are no cables or wires to connect to the power supply.

The molds built in this device are replaceable and their size can be changed. All steps of block construction are done by the operator. The components of a manual block include the following:

Female block template
Sembe movement lever
material tray
Mold displacement spring

The most common manual block cutters are available in the market in the form of single and double molds. A single-mold manual block maker is used to produce ceiling and wall blocks. 100 blocks can be produced in one 8-hour shift using a single mold block maker.

Two mold block makers have 2 molds to produce blocks, and the method of producing blocks in them is the same mechanical way. Block production capacity is up to 200 blocks in 8 hours.

The advantages of manual block makers include the fact that it does not require an electric cable, easy to use, and making quality blocks for the Chinese wall.

The uses of small blocks are for use in small and personal projects.

The price of a simple manual block machine
There are a variety of manual block machines on the market. If you buy this product, you may encounter different prices. This price difference is very different according to the features of this device or where and what store you ask for the price. When buying a manual block machine, you should pay attention to the authenticity and health of this machine. One of the most important factors affecting the final price of manual block machines is the number of molds. Manual devices do not need electric fuel and their production capacity can be increased to a great extent by increasing the number of operators (manpower).

Compared to the automatic type, the manual block has a lower price due to the low production capacity, and the appropriateness of the price of this product is of great importance. Every manual block machine should have an affordable price in addition to high quality. To avoid buying low-quality products at exorbitant prices, it is necessary to buy from reliable manufacturers and sales centers.

Beton Sarmad, manufacturer of block making machine
If you are looking for a manual block machine to buy, you should know the top manufacturers of this product well. The high quality of this machine can guarantee the quality of your structure because the more professional and high-quality the block maker is, the better the blocks produced by it are. Sarmad Concrete Group is one of the most reliable providers of industrial machines, especially manual and automatic block makers. Manual blockers are usually used for small projects. The design and construction of this product in Sarmad Concrete Company has been done in a completely specialized and professional manner by experts and engineers.

The quality of this product is very high. The strength of the body, the use of powder colors to prevent peeling, having a warranty, etc. are some of the things that guarantee the quality of the products in this collection. For more information, you can apply through Beton Sarmad website. The experts of this collection are ready to answer buyers' questions.

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